Joseph D. Fail Engineering Company, Inc.

JDFEC officially joined forces with Fibersmith in July 2023, bringing 50 years of expertise and existing partnerships to Fibersmith’s operators. The move continues a long history of the two companies working together.  

About Us

Based in Bay Springs, MS, Joseph D. Fail Engineering Company, Inc. has a long history of helping broadband providers expand their networks. We now continue building that legacy as part of the Fibersmith team.

Our Services

  • person writing on a piece of paper

    Project Evaluation / Discovery

    Determine what steps need to happen to get your project off the ground, including a project feasibility analysis and an exploration of financial opportunities.

  • someone looking at a computer monitor

    Fiber Network Design

    Turn your project idea into a blueprint for success with high level and low level design plans to expand your network.

  • utility worker on a pole

    Field Collection

    Assess and compare the virtual design for your project to the ground truth requirements of the area, such as roads, rocks, trees and water.

  • bundles of cable

    Construction Management

    When you’re making a significant investment in growing your network, you want to make sure the job is done right.

  • overhead shot of a map

    Plant Record Management

    As your business grows, it’s critical to know your network. Accurate and up-to-date plant records help you unlock the full power to grow and scale your business.

Contact Us

Tell us about your project and how we can help.